What is the player's goal?

The church is dark and empty until a mechanism is activated. This is the central area where you will often pass through. To the left is a graveyard. The two left-most graves activate different things; the top lights the inside of the church and reveals an underground passage, while the bottom causes a guy to spawn and run through a series of motions. There is also a path to the North, leading to the Witch's House.

Going underground leads to a pathway that is guarded by a statue. Speaking with it and proceeding North, you come across an Eye in the Sky. This is basically your quest giver; they direct you to the next place and often (but not always!) requires you to return once you've done what it asks.

Following the clues given, you discover a hidden cellar in the church. There you can find a corpse, who is holding key items (Later versions will have icons or an inventory to show what key items you've gathered/used). The key allows access to the Witch's House to the North, where you can restore your heart if it breaks. The ring can be brought to the Eye, who then tells you to get rid of it. This can be done by interacting with the end of the lake's dock.

After returning with no ring, you're told that someone is scrying, trying to get involved. This is the Witch, who will allow conversation once she's been caught. She also restores your heart to its default empty state and resets the lake scene.

Activating the bottom-left grave causes a guy to spawn and walk towards the lake, taking a moment at different points to think about what he's doing. If left alone, he eventually jumps in and becomes a familiar looking ghost. If you collide with him, your heart meter fills by 1/3. Activating him then standing at the end of the dock causes a cutscene to start, where he hints at his motives. If you get to this point and don't have a full heart meter, you fail the interaction with a broken heart and the guy returns to his walk. If however you manage to fill your heart meter before he finishes walking to the grave, you'll get a different outcome where he instead returns inside. (I am aware of a bug that causes him to walk through the church if his path is blocked too early, and I'm actively banging my head into a wall to find a fix)

Return to the Witch, and she will prompt you to "return home". Walking down the path once more will lead to a slightly different version of the scene, with a (currently empty) building that you can enter.

This is the working version of an ending, but it was quickly put together and will have major reworks to clean up and add more cutscenes, add a final victory screen where the inside of the church is more joyful, as well as more incorporation of the characters established and the addition of others. If you've taken the time to read this far, thank you bunches for having even a bit of interest. Again, this is my first attempt at making a game. Please leave a comment with your thoughts, any bugs you may have found, or any ideas you have for additions to the game. The story has been forming as I add each character and area, and I only have a loose idea of exactly what I'll be adding in the future. Thanks again!


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